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our theatrical future: a talk duet between hong kong and chicago (re-performed)

by laboratory for enthusiastic collaboration

Ira is a graduate student in Chicago. Aaron is a yoga instructor in Hong Kong. They have been making theatre together and not making theatre together for over 20 years. On December 10th 2014 in Chicago and December 11th 2014 in Hong Kong they had a conversation via video chat over the internet, in the way it is possible to do now. They talked about theatre they have made together and theatre they have not made together and theatre they might make together someday. At each performance of Our Theatrical Future a different Guest Performer from a distinct artistic background, joins Ira to re-perform his conversation with Aaron, and Ira and his guest have a conversation of their own about making art and not making art, or whatever else comes up.

Our Theatrical Future was presented as part of the Rhinoceros Theatre Festival at the Prop Thtr, Chicago in early 2015. It was presented again at Sector 2337 in Chicago that spring, where the guests were Kelly Kaczynski and Fo Wilson.